In many areas all over the world the quartz crystals found locally have been named "diamonds". The nomenclature goes like:
"[Some_location] Diamonds"
of course in any language you choose.
The term "diamonds" usually refers to small individual idiomorphic and double terminated translucent to transparent quartz crystals. With the exception of "Saxonian Diamond" and "Matura Diamond" (both topaz) I'm not aware of a similar use of the term "diamonds" for any other mineral, not counting the many famous jewels that have been mistaken for diamonds.
Quartz "diamonds" are found at many places all over the world, just to name a few (and this is definitely an incomplete selection):
It needs a good deal of imagination to see diamonds in some of them. The ones most off in terms of crystal form are probably "Lake County Diamonds", and they do hardly resemble ordinary quartz.
Perhaps the ones most off in terms of luster are "Stolberger Diamanten": when looking for them it took me quite a while to realize that they were even laying around on the path I was walking on.
Judged from what I've seen so far (not to much, though), "Herkimer Diamonds" seem to be the most sparkling. In that respect they outperform almost every other piece in my collection. I bet if you dumped real diamonds and Herkimers in a pit, most people would pick the Herkimers and leave the real ones.
Note: I should mention that "Herkimer" is not a trademarked name and very often you will see offers of similar material from other places, e.g. China.
There are usually 2 generations of quartz crystals in the concretions, one lining up as clear rock crystals on the walls of the pockets along with calcite, and a later one forming double terminated crystals or scepters on top of the first generations crystals. Often the second generations are true smoky quartz (colored by radiation, and not by e.g. organic impurities). As both the first and the second generation of quartz crystals have been subject to the same radiation, the second generation must have developed in a solution that contained sufficient amounts of aluminum to be built into the crystal lattice (see the smoky quartz section at macrocrystalline varieties for more on this).
Some purists will say that only the clear and colorless scepters are to be called "Schaumburger Diamant", but the name is frequently used in a wider sense.
Erhard Zimmermann runs a web page dedicated to Schaumburg diamonds,, and has put has many pictures online.
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Two things are remarkable about Schaumburg diamonds:
1. It is rather uncommon to find smoky quartz in sedimentary rocks, as they usually lack radioactive elements that are the source of high energy radiation. Some authors suggest that cosmic radiation might be the cause of the coloration (but see the discussion of this at "smoky quartz").
2. There is usually just one scepter in each of the smaller pockets, and just a few in large ones, while there are often dozens of well crystallized "ordinary" rock crystals in the same pocket. It is strange that not most of the rock crystals developed scepters, as you can find it at many other locations.
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The image shows a typical small double terminated hexagonal crystal in rhyolite matrix. Its diameter is 6 mm, but crystals more than 1 cm size do occur. It is translucent and has very little luster. The m faces of the hexagonal prism are usually very small or completely absent, but some crystals do show well developed prisms and look almost like ordinary, albeit dull rock crystals.
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The pictures to the right both show the same specimen, in the second picture I've turned the specimen a bit clockwise so the septarian structure can be seen more clearly.
More specimen of that locality are presented on the page Occurrence.
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Carrara diamonds are usually small, but crystals up to 18 cm have been reported. It is very difficult to find them, as pockets in the marble are rare, there are no obvious signs as to where to look for pockets, and the crystals are very difficult to spot in the white marble, so the prizes for specimen are often quite high. While Herkimer Diamonds, for example, have a typical habit and only show certain combinations of crystal faces, Diamanti di Cararra show much more varied forms and habits. Double terminated single crystals are not uncommon, but one can also find elongated crystals attached to the matrix at one end. Accessorial crystal faces (like the x- and s-faces, but also steep rhombohedra) are common, and more than 30 different crystallographic forms have been identified. The crystals are exceptionally clear and well-formed and apparently never bear any inclusions. The reason for their clarity is the very low silica content of the Carrara marble, with less than 0.1% SiO2 content, causing a very slow growth of the crystals.
Both pictures to the right are from the same specimen. They show a group of crystals, but single double terminated crystals can also be found. In the second picture one can see how clear the crystals are, the marble's surface structure can be viewed through the upper right rhombohedral crystal face.
Taking pictures of the specimen was a bit difficult, like shooting glass before a white wall. Should you ever plan to go to Carrara to find one yourself, don't forget your sunglasses!
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I have no clue why these "crystals" are clear yet have not developed any crystal faces. Their conchoidal surface structure does not match the grainy structure of the surrounding rock, so it's unlikely they have formed syngenetically while the rock solidified.
I might be completely wrong and have to dig out some more information on this.
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